Our system has two primary navigation categories: Rating Analysis and Program Management.
- Rating Analysis features help you use ratings to make better decisions
- Program Management features help you produce ratings and get them to the right people
Search for an FHR under Rating Analysis > Company Reports
You can find the FHR of a public company in our coverage universe or a private company that we have specifically rated for you via the Company Reports page, found under Rating Analysis. Please note that only private company reports that have been completed for your organization will show up in the Company Reports search.
The Company Reports page allows you to search the name of the company you are looking for, and the results will auto-populate with options. You can also do this with the Company Ticker if it's public, or if you know the private ticker in the portal.
Select the name of interest, and you'll be presented with our preview page, showing you the FHR trend and relevant details such as financial periods rated and report release date. If you scroll down the page, you'll be able to directly access specific reports. For public companies, you have the ability to suggest a rating update if you believe updated financials have been released for this company and the rating is out of date. We typically update public company ratings within 1 or 2 days of the release of new financial statements.
Can't find the public company you're looking for? Utilize "Request Public Addition" option if your search comes up empty.
Private Company Search:
Private company report names in our system will match the legal name on the company's submitted financial statements. This name may differ from the company name submitted to RapidRatings at the start of the outreach process. To find the report associated with a solicitation request, navigate to Program Management > Network Outreach.
For more information on tracking private company requests in the system, go here: FHR Exchange Program Management Overview
Next in Getting Started is Step 3: Begin Your Analysis |