Standard Portfolio Alerts
While you can set up any number of additional alerts on an unlimited number of portfolios, there are a few standard alerts that we send to ensure proactive risk management.
At the beginning of every month, ALL RapidRatings users within your organization receive a list via email of all changes to ratings in your master portfolio.
This alert comes from - if you or any of the users are not getting this email, please let us know at
Additionally, primary users get an additional email that links to the Matrix (Excel) and Portfolio Risk (pdf) reports for the Master Portfolio from at the start of the month.
You can find out how to set up proactive monitoring alerts on your various portfolios in Setting up Alerts for yourself |
Setting up Alerts to get specific reports
In a few other articles, we talked about the matrix report, the portfolio risk report, and ratio extraction report. Did you know you can set up email alerts to receive these reports on any portfolio at a frequency of your choice?
Simply navigate to "Report Scheduler" under "Program Management" on our Platform and click on "Create". You are able to specify a name (subject of the email), as well as the portfolio to be used and the type(s) of report. Frequency can be set for weekly, monthly, or quarterly.
Contact your Client Services Manager for more information!