You may have read about the basics of portfolios in Step 4: Setup a Portfolio. In this article, we will provide more detail on how to build and maintain portfolios. As a reminder, portfolios are an efficient way to group companies and support users in managing risk by allowing you to run a host of reports for further analysis.
Steps to Building Your Portfolios:
Determine the group of companies you'd like to look at. Our Client Services team can help provide best practices insights into how to determine this, based on your needs.
The Portfolio Manager section of the platform allows users to create new portfolios (Create button), or manage existing ones (listed with Edit or Delete buttons). It can be found under the "Rating Analysis" section.
Companies can be added to new or existing portfolios one at a time, or in bulk from other existing portfolios
Once you are finished, name your Portfolio, and click "Create". If you are editing an existing portfolio, be sure to select "Update" once you have finished adding or removing any companies.
This is a valuable time-saving tool, since all RapidRatings clients have a “Master” portfolio that serves as a repository of selected public companies as well as private companies rated for you. You can find out more about the types of portfolios here: Portfolio types.
To update or edit companies, head back to Portfolio Manager, and click on Edit. RapidRatings does not maintain portfolios based on changing supplier lists, but we are happy to provide ad-hoc updates once you give us instructions.
All set on your portfolio? Make sure that you're all set for ongoing monitoring with Portfolio alerts |