We understand that RapidRatings is only a part of your risk management process. To that end, we understand that it is helpful to attach some of your own internal data to the ratings that we produce for you. This is what we call metadata.
It's where you attach unique identifiers and additional descriptive fields to the companies you ask us to rate. It removes the need to maintain different portfolios, or to map our ratings / reports to your internal systems manually. It allows you to run custom versions of the current Matrix and Portfolio Risk reports, that have extra fields attached, showing your data.
The screenshot below is the Custom Matrix, with 3 additional fields added to the right: Category, Region and Supplier Code.
We currently house and maintain metadata for a number of our clients, covering fields from Unique Client ID number, to business unit, to internal contacts.
Please contact your Client Success Manager or support@rapidratings.com if you are interested in discussing metadata capabilities further.