We are very pleased to announce the launch of new functionality to our HealthMark product. This launch sees the introduction of several features and improvements to your experience.
Recently Viewed Companies: Quickly re-visit the profile page of a recently viewed company by clicking on its card. You can also bookmark or un-bookmark the company from this card view.
My HealthMark List: Bookmark companies that are important to your business from the Profile page, keeping those important companies accessible without needing to search. Your list is located on the primary HealthMark search page, where you can easily view and manage the members.
You can add a company to your My HealthMarks list by clicking on the top right of its profile page:
Download to CSV: Download your My HealthMark List to a CSV file, including the company name, address, HealthMark and Data Depth. Simply click on the download buttun shown below to access data for all the companies bookmarked in your My HealthMarks List.
Lastly, we've also introduced a handy shortcut to take you directly to a company's FHR analysis when you click on a public company in your search results.