My HealthMark List: Bookmark companies that are important to your business from the Profile page, keeping those important companies accessible without needing to search. Your list is located on the primary HealthMark search page, where you can easily view and manage the members.
You can add a company to your My HealthMarks list by clicking on the top right of its profile page:
HealthMark Alerts: Alerts can be set to notify you by email of changes to HealthMark levels which have occured each month within your list. Learn more about settig alerts here.
Download to CSV: Downloaded your My HealthMark List to a CSV file, inclding the company name, address, HealthMark and Data Depth. Simply click on the download buttun shown below to access data for all the companies bookmarked in your My HealthMarks List.
You can read more about HealthMark at What is HealthMark? For more information on portfolio management for companies with an FHR, try Building portfolios.