As primary user, you may have noticed a few extra bells and whistles if you've interacted with our FHR Alerts and News Alerts setups - namely, you can set up Alerts to be sent to others within your organization.
Click on Program Management and then select Manage FHR Alerts, or Manage News Alerts. Select "Create Alert".
In the FHR Alerts Section, the fourth box down will allow you select "Users to Email". In the News Alerts Section, you can select users to email by using the dropdown associated with the third field from the top (Recipients).
We envision that the primary user(s) at an organization are either program managers, or group-level coordinators, who need to be able to send information and alerts to all or a subset of users. You will be able to update and edit these alerts at any point based on need.
We've covered the basics here, but there may be other questions on your mind. You can figure out which team is best placed to help you by checking this article out |