So you've identified the company on our system and viewed the FHR and risk category, now what? We provide a series of tools to help you understand and mitigate against any risk identified by the FHR. The following reports have been designed in partnership with our clients and can most effectively help you manage your risk exposure.
You can also see these reports in action in our Real Analysis Examples section
The Financial Dialogue is our most versatile report, suitable for novices and pros alike. This report does your homework for you, by identifying the most pressing concerns within a company's financial profile. We then provide targeted questions to help you engage with the company directly.
The FHR Report is our most in-depth analysis, with full commentary on strengths and weaknesses, full financial statements, and breakout analysis sections for cash flow, liquidity and activity performance
The Peer Benchmark Report compares your focus company against its global peers. We provide the FHR and CHS for the sector, both currently and historically, and benchmark key ratios. We even help you customize your own benchmark peer group
These reports are available after you have searched for a company on the Company Reports page.
Pro Tip: You can change the currency on the Peer Benchmark and FHR Report |
These reports all feature a single company which is the focus of your analysis. For a more strategic view, set up some portfolios, outlined in the next article.
Next in Getting Started is Step 4: Setup a Portfolio |